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Register now
as a Tech
Expert for cloud projects

Become part of our network and register as a cloud expert by using our online questionnaire.

Why you should register as a tech expert


Define your own daily rate and work according to your defined conditions.



You can decide whether you work by time / daily rate or by result (specification of requirements, estimation of costs, etc.).


Whether part-time or full-time: You decide in which periods & under which conditions you would like to work.


Do not waste time with unsuitable project inquiries - we only provide you with projects that fit your profile.

How to register as an expert



Participate in a screening interview with one of our employees


Receive and promote project invitations

Become part of our talent pool

Cloud Engineer

Cloud Developers

Solutions Architect

Cloud DevOps Engineer



  • 1. How and where will my personal data be used? EN: How and where will my personal data be used?
    We treat your data with absolute confidentiality and only use your personal information for the internal matching process. EN: We treat your data with absolute confidentiality and only use your personal information for the internal matching process.
  • 2. Who is the contract between? EN: Who are the contracting parties?
    The user (freelancers and customers/clients) is solely responsible for the conclusion and fulfillment of the contract for an order/project that he concludes with another user. The conclusion and fulfillment of these contracts takes place directly and exclusively between a freelancer and a customer/client on their own initiative and under their sole and exclusive responsibility. The company only arranges the contact. See also our Terms and Conditions. EN: The user (freelancers and customers/clients) is solely responsible for the conclusion and fulfillment of the contract for an order/project that he concludes with another user. The conclusion and fulfillment of these contracts takes place directly and exclusively between a freelancer and a customer/client on their own initiative and under their sole and exclusive responsibility. The company only arranges the contact. Also see our T&Cs.
  • 3. How is the expert billed? EN: How is the expert billed?
    Depending on the expert, billing is based either on time / daily rate or on the result (specification of requirements, estimate of costs, etc.). EN: Depending on the expert, billing is based either on the time/daily rate or on the end result (specification of requirements, estimate of costs, etc.).
  • 4. How is the topic of bogus self-employment regulated? EN: How is the issue of "bogus self-employment" regulated?
    It is the sole responsibility of the users (freelancers and customers/clients) to choose the correct contract type for the contractual relationship between them. In particular, the company is not liable if the contractual relationship between the users is subsequently assessed as employment subject to social security contributions (bogus self-employment). See also our Terms and Conditions. EN: It is the sole responsibility of the users (freelancers and customers/clients) to choose the correct contract type for the contractual relationship between them. In particular, the company is not liable if the contractual relationship between the users is subsequently assessed as employment subject to social security contributions ("bogus self-employment"). See also our terms and conditions.
  • 5. Do I have to document my workload? EN: Do I have to document my workload?
    Yes. In order to ensure a smooth payment process, it is necessary to document the working hours and a short description of the activities via our activity tracker. The customer receives this information for viewing and must release it. EN: Yes. In order to ensure a smooth payment process, it is necessary to document the working hours and a short description of the activities via our activity tracker. The customer receives this information for viewing and must release it.
  • 6. Is it worth it for me to mediate a project to cloudpeak? EN: Is it worth it for me to recommend a project to cloudpeak?
    Since you, as an expert, repeatedly receive project inquiries that you cannot carry out yourself (e.g. due to time constraints), we have our referral program. You simply put us in contact with the potential client and if we win the project, you will receive part of our margin for your recommendation. Feel free to contact us for more details. EN: Since you, as an expert, will always receive project requests that you cannot carry out yourself (e.g. due to time constraints), we have our referral program. You put us in contact with the potential client and if we win the project, you will receive part of our margin for your recommendation. Please contact us for more details.
  • 7. Is it worth it for me to place a freelance expert at cloudpeak? EN: Is it worth it for me to recommend a freelance expert to cloudpeak?
    Since you, as an expert, repeatedly receive project inquiries that you cannot carry out yourself (e.g. due to time constraints), we have our referral program. You simply put us in contact with the potential expert and if a placement sells successfully, you will receive a part of our margin for your recommendation. Feel free to contact us for more details. EN: Since you, as an expert, will always receive project requests that you cannot carry out yourself (e.g. due to time constraints), we have our referral program. You put us in contact with the potential expert and if there is successfull placement, you will receive a part of our margin for your recommendation. Please contact us for more details.
  • 8. Kann ich mich auch neben meinem Hauptjob als Teilzeit-Freelancer bei cloudpeak registrieren? EN: Can I also register as a part-time freelancer with cloudpeak alongside my main job?
    Das ist kein Problem. Bitte gib dies bei Deiner Registrierung an, damit wir dies bei der Projektvergabe beachten können. Hier ein paar Dinge, die Du beachten solltest: - Die freiberufliche Nebentätigkeit darf die Haupttätigkeit (z.B. Angestelltenverhältnis) im Zeitumfang nicht überschreiten. - Die freiberufliche Nebentätigkeit steht im Einklang mit dem Arbeitszeitgesetz. Laut §3 Arbeitszeitgesetz (ArbZG) darf die maximale Arbeitszeit zehn Stunden pro Tag nicht überschreiten. Bei einer 40-Stunden-Woche dürften noch maximal 8 Stunden für freiberufliche Nebentätigkeit aufgebracht werden. - Melde die freiberufliche Nebentätigkeit beim Finanzamt an und erhalte eine Steuernummer (§18 Einkommensteuergesetz (EstG)). - Informiere Deinen #Arbeitgeber über die nebenberufliche Selbstständigkeit. - Informiere Dich über die Auswirkungen auf Themen wie Steuern (Umsatz-, Gewerbe- und Einkommenssteuer) und Versicherungen (Kranken-, Renten- und Arbeitslosenversicherung). EN: This is not a problem. Please indicate this when registering so that we can take this into account when assigning projects. Here are a few things to keep in mind: - The freelance secondary activity may not exceed the main activity (e.g. employment) in terms of time. - Freelance secondary employment is in accordance with the Working Time Act. According to §3 of the Working Time Act (ArbZG), the maximum working hours may not exceed ten hours per day. In a 40-hour week, a maximum of 8 hours may still be spent on freelance secondary employment. - Register the freelance activity with the tax office and obtain a tax number (§18 Income Tax Act (EstG)). - Inform your employer about the part-time self-employment. - Inform yourself about topics such as taxes (turnover, trade and income tax) and insurance (health, pension and unemployment insurance).
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